E-Generative™ Ways forms the foundation of our culture – how we live, what guides our intentions, the decisions we make, and what we feel and do. Our culture guides our actions and instils our living principles.
It provides soul purpose and meaning, honing our focus on what is important for ourselves and others.
E-Generative™  Ways matters for the healthy and sustainable development and evolution of our communities.

At its core, E-Generative™ Ways is founded on richly formulated values and beliefs, deep in wisdom, intuition, and knowhow, providing all the necessary elements to cultivate a prosperous culture.



OUR Vision

We see a dynamically connected community navigating lives based on E-Generative™ Ways; directed by the E-Generative™ Compass, living the E-Generative™ Values; experiencing life through SPACES WholeBeing Intelligence™; with the sole purpose to make ethical generative differences that impact humankind and our environment.  

OUR mission

E-Gen youth develop as conscious generative and thought-provoking leaders – values-oriented and ethical operators, dynamic collaborators, inclusive of diversity, creative and analytical thinkers, inspiring innovators, action-oriented, and skilled in influencing and directing change.
We all strive to impact the world around us, embedding our strengths in self-leadership and leading of others to influence and generate the healthy and harmonious development of social, environmental, political, and economical environments, for the ethical benefits of humankind and our planet.

WE cultivate a prosperous culture

Our community of young people and their families, our team of facilitators, mentors, industry and community experts, and our leadership team, live, grow, and thrive based on our collective values. 
We aspire to the higher order values of Love, Joy, Peace, Integrity, Humanity.
These values weave through our community in the ways we live our lives, through our beliefs, principles, ideals, qualities, traits, properties, attributes, expectations, and characteristics of each individual and group.
The following values form the map that lead us to our higher order values, describing the culture we are seeking to foster:
Family, environment, ethicality, morality, respect, diversity, freedom, compassion, belonging, authenticity, uniqueness, connection, authenticity, collaboration, inspiration, creativity, growth, gratitude, celebration, altruism, courage, responsibility, accountability, resilience, balance, harmony.


E-Gen provides young people and their families with inspiring, innovative, and leading-edge experiential orientations in learning, wellbeing, and leadership choices.
The E-Generative™ Compass aims to guide, coach, and support individuals to map, orientate, navigate, and lead their authentic learning, wellbeing, and leadership development, experiencing essential engagement and evolution while forming an authentic identity through values, beliefs, behaviours, and skills for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Our experiential offerings draw on well-established, evidence-based practices, ancient wisdom, and knowhow. After years of experience, observation, and research within and across numerous fields of education, wellbeing, and leadership, we formulated the E-Generative™ Compass as an innovative, thorough, and comprehensive approach to facilitating learning, wellbeing, and leadership for all age ranges, from the early years, through pre-teen and teen years, to early and late adulthood.

E-Generative™ Compass 

SPACES WholeBeing Intelligence™ is our foundational framework we overlay all E-Gen™ Learning, Wellbeing, and Leadership Experiences, to ensure deep, expansive, and sustainable development across each intelligence (social, physical, academic, creative, emotional, and spiritual/self-actualisation).

SPACES WholeBeing Intelligence™